Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Last Day

This semester in photography I learned a lot of things I didn't know before.  One of the things I learned is how to use photoshop, before photo class I didn't even know the basics of using it. I also learned different techniques you can use while taking my photos, like lightness and darkness.

Something I learned about myself is the pride I take in my photos.  If I take a photo I want it to look good, so that I can be proud in my work.

One thing I wish we had did this semester was free edit pictures how we wanted too.  It would have been fun  to explore the tools photo shop had to offer and edit our photos any way we wanted to see what we could come up with.

I had a struggle with turning things on time because it took me so long to edit my photos.

I somewhat conquered my ability to be creative with my pictures and try to find things to photograph in everyday atmospheres.